
June 2024 ElliptiGO Rider of the Month: Britt Brewer

Britt Brewer is a man with a plan. ElliptiGO bikes had been on his radar for years, and when he was finally ready to ride, he embraced elliptical cycling with enthusiasm. In his first year of ElliptiGO ownership, he logged more than 6,000 miles. He closed out his inaugural year by placing second in the Men’s Elliptical division of the 2023 ElliptiGO World Championships. Our June 2024 Rider of the Month shares his ElliptiGO journey, his riding regimen and the “secret sauce” that keeps him GOing.

Britt grew up in Northern California and the Pacific Northwest. He attended graduate school in Arizona, where he met his wife, Judy. After grad school, Britt and Judy moved to Western Massachusetts, where they raised their two sons and began careers as psychology professors at a small college. After more than 30 years on the East Coast, Britt and Judy retired in 2023 and relocated to Sedona, Arizona.

Britt had enjoyed running for several years in the 1970s and early 1980s. Then he was plagued by injuries and experienced fifteen years of miserable running! In the late 1990s, a failed surgery left him unable to run at all. He spent the next 20+ years doing deep-water running and vigorous walking, as well as using an elliptical cross-trainer.

Britt had seen ads for ElliptiGO bikes in Runner’s World, and he had a colleague whose son worked for ElliptiGO HQ. By 2019, when he was no longer able to walk vigorously without injury, his body was telling him that ElliptiGO’s elliptical and stand-up bikes might be the right exercise solution for him. He test rode a bike and decided that he would start elliptical cycling as soon as he retired.

As he and Judy made their retirement plans, Britt planned his ElliptiGO-filled future. He became an ElliptiGO investor in 2020. Then he purchased an 11R and an MSUB in 2021. He deferred delivery of the bikes until he and Judy relocated to the desert. However, that move took longer than they’d expected, and he waited more than a year for his bikes.

Finally, in January 2023, Britt and Judy made their move across the country. He drove across the country while she flew. Britt recalls, “The first thing we did in Arizona, even before moving into our new residence, was attend the ElliptiGO Winter Classic in Scottsdale.”

Britt picked up Judy from the Phoenix airport and they drove straight to the Friday night social. The next day, they experienced their first real ElliptiGO rides. “It was worth the wait!” he says.

After the Winter Classic, Britt participated in the annual Global ElliptiGO Riders Club (GERC) GOGO (Get Out and GO) eight-month riding challenge. He also rode the 12 Hours of Sun City Cycling Challenge on a 118-degree day in Arizona. In 2023, he climbed more than 400,000 feet on an ElliptiGO bike. Now, midway through 2024, Britt has logged over 10,000 ElliptiGO miles in just 18 months of riding. More than 295 of those miles were completed in one day, when Britt took on the Bike Sebring 24-Hour Ride. “ElliptiGO bikes enabled me to get outside again, train intensively, and pursue personal and competitive challenges,” says Britt.

To prepare for the high mileage and elevation he’s riding, Britt’s typical training week includes five days of riding, covering 20 to 30 miles per session, interspersed with pool cross-training on the other two days. He adds longer rides each week and up-tempo repeats when he’s training for an event or a challenging ride. Sedona’s hilly terrain helps him build strength and endurance while clocking elevation gains.

Britt’s favorite bike is the 11R, thanks to the smooth elliptical motion and the abundance of gears for the hilly routes he typically rides. He also owns an MSUB, an 8S and a second 11R. His favorite ElliptiGO accessory is the Wahoo Elemnt Bolt V2 Computer, which allows him to track his Strava stats, followed closely by the Fluid 365 Stationary Trainer.

But what Britt enjoys most of all is the ElliptiGO community. “I have been impressed with the friendly, welcoming, inclusive and knowledgeable nature of the entire community,” he says. “It has been a pleasure to interact with so many incredibly athletic, talented, creative, dedicated and GOod-natured individuals!”

From ElliptiGO staff and Enthusiasts to GERC members, ElliptiGO groups on Strava and the attendees at organized ElliptiGO events, the support and camaraderie have been integral to his riding experience. Britt notes, “ElliptiGO products are great, but the community is its ‘secret sauce.’

He enjoys interacting with his fellow ElliptiGO riders through his creative and detailed Strava posts. “Although I have done my share of academic writing, Strava gives me a chance to banter with and pay tribute to fellow riders and share my experiences and warped sense of humor,” says Britt. (Several of his posts are linked in this article for your enjoyment, including this delightful recap of well-known ElliptiGOers and their exploits, as told by surfers Kai and Keanu. Note: You must follow Britt on Strava in order to read the posts.)

So what does Britt have planned next? His goals for 2024 and beyond include participating in his favorite ElliptiGO events and exploring new riding opportunities. Britt says, “Mainly, I hope that my ElliptiGO improvement curve outpaces the inevitable age-related decline, at least for a little while longer!” 

Britt, we can’t wait to see what you accomplish for the remainder of the year and in the years to come! Thank you for joining the ElliptiGO family and for sharing your enthusiasm and wit with us. We know you’ll keep GOing!

You can contact ElliptiGO with nominations to Rider of the Month or share your own story. It may just be the next feature!

9 Responses

  1. Jane Cremer says:

    Congratulations, Britt!! 🙌🏼 🎉 Well-deserved for the amazing riding accomplishments and valuable contributions to our ElliptiGO community!! 💕

  2. D. Hanna says:

    Britt, this is a great article, and I have no doubt you will be Rider of the Month again soon! You are an amazing athlete, and because of your sincere humility, you failed to mention some of your incredibly fast timed rides and distances. You are a beast on the ElliptiGO!! I’m so proud to have you for a friend!

  3. Kathi karen says:

    Great story and congratulations on your ElliptiGO accomplishments! Really enjoy your writing and humor. Looking forward to seeing you at ElliptiGO events and seeing more of your milestones when riding these amazing bikes. 💪👍😊💕

    • Steve Hughes says:

      Congratulations Britt! Very well deserved and it’s so fun to follow all of your ElliptiGO exploits!! Keep up the strong work my friend!!!

  4. Scott Hermes says:


    When were teamed last year for the September challenge and had our first call I knew instantly you were the real deal.
    Your leadership and weekly suggestions personalized to each team member inspired us to go a little further and have more fun doing it!
    Cheers to you and look forward to seeing you in October!


  5. Benton Runquist says:

    Very Cool!!!…..maybe we’ll learn even more in the next edition of ‘The ElliptiGO Times’….his life as a runner, favorite races (worst races) fastest times (worst times) favorite routes/courses (worst routes/courses) and when he plans on taking on the California Coast Classic for 8 days of Heavenly ElliptiGO Riding Bliss (no pressure, no pressure)…..congrats B.B…..very well deserved!!!

  6. Katie Blau says:

    Great job Britt!! That’s quite a stellar profile in such a short time. It was great chatting with you and Judy at your first Winter Classic and watching you get second place during the World Championships!

  7. Bob R says:

    Congratulations, Britt! You and Judy are such great assets to the community! It was great getting to know you last year and meeting you in person at Rally Weekend. The first publication involving Kai and Keanu I saw after Rally Weekend was the funniest Strava posting I had ever seen! I appreciate your humble and respectful treatment of others and also your witty, dry, but creative sense of humor!

  8. Jim Pringle says:

    Congratulations Britt! The latest Rider of the Month title could not have gone to a more deserving individual. It was a pleasure to meet and ride with you in October 2023 at the ElliptiGO World Rally Weekend just as I was beginning my own ElliptiGO journey, and that pleasure continued after we met up on Strava. I look forward to seeing your daily accomplishments on Strava and to riding with you again at future ElliptiGO events.

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