A great aspect about many ElliptiGO bikes is their ability to be ridden indoors as well as out. If you don’t like the weather, or you simply want to have a focused workout (or watch Netflix), pop the bike up on a trainer and GO!
Check out some of the (mostly) indoor setups ElliptiGOers use. If you ride your ElliptiGO on a trainer, send us a photo so we can add it here.
The Outsider
When you can’t quite decide whether to stay in or go out, split the difference!
The Full-service Gym
When riding is just one form of your workout arsenal, get ripped alongside your other fitness gear.
The Center of Attention
When you want to make sure everyone knows what comes first, try this setup.
The Pen
If you have a supporting “crew” who demands your attention, this is the arrangement for you!
The Winter Furniture
If your ElliptiGO gets more action than the La-Z-Boy, push the recliner aside!
The Whatever It Takes
Space limited in the house? Try the garage, or porch, or … remove a ceiling panel!
The Spa
Enjoy the sunlight and zen-like calm of a winterscape, with none of the frigid side effects.