
Is a Bike Seat Bad for You? The Case for Stand-Up Cycling

Dr. David A. Nachamie

For many people, cycling is a great way to stay active, improve cardiovascular health and enjoy the outdoors. But for those dealing with urological conditions, pelvic health concerns, or post-surgical recovery, traditional bicycles can present serious challenges. Prolonged pressure from a bike seat can contribute to prostate issues in men, as well as nerve damage, urinary issues and chronic discomfort that can affect both men and women. Fortunately, ElliptiGO’s elliptical bikes and stand-up bikes provide a pain-free solution, allowing riders to maintain an active lifestyle without compromising their health.

How Traditional Bike Seats Can Hurt You
The standard bicycle seat is hard and narrow. Wider, cushioned seats still place significant pressure on the perineum, the area between the sit bones. When riding a traditional bike, the perineum bears almost the entire body weight of the cyclist. 

Avid ElliptiGO cyclist and retired urologist Dr. David A. Nachamie notes, “Even the improved seats that put less pressure on the perineal nerves and vessels do not solve the problem. The pressure on the perineum from the bike seat can damage circulation and cause numbness. This can result in urinary and sexual dysfunction in both men and women and prostate problems in men.”

Dr. Irwin Goldstein, a world-renowned expert in the field of sexual medicine, agrees, saying, “Sitting your body weight on a very narrow saddle does cause injury to the genital system.”

Specific health concerns that are associated with traditional bike seats include:

  • Prostatitis — Inflammation of the prostate gland, which can cause pain, urination difficulty, sexual dysfunction, and flu-like symptoms. While cycling does not cause prostatitis, it aggravates the symptoms for most cyclists.
  • Pudendal Nerve Damage — A compressed nerve in the pelvic region, which can cause numbness, tingling or chronic pain for both men and women. This is so common in cyclists that it’s sometimes called “cyclist’s syndrome.”2
  • Urethral Stricture — A narrowing of the urethra that can partially block urine flow and can lead to symptoms like a weak urine stream, pain while urinating and urinary tract infections. A 2017 study concluded that cyclists are more likely to experience urethral stricture.3

Why ElliptiGO Bikes Are a Game-Changer
“[The ElliptiGO bike] eliminates the cause of the problem: the bike seat,” says Dr. Nachamie. By offering a seat-free, natural standing position, ElliptiGO bikes remove the pressure points and strain associated with traditional cycling. Here’s why our elliptical and stand-up bikes work so well for those with urological concerns:

  • Zero Perineal Pressure — With no seat, there’s no direct pressure on the perineum, reducing the risk of nerve damage and discomfort.
  • Improved Pelvic Floor Health — The standing motion engages the core and lower body muscles, which can help strengthen rather than strain the pelvic floor.
  • Cardiovascular & Fitness Improvement — Riders can get their heart rate up without the impact of running or the drawbacks of seated cycling, making it an excellent, low-impact workout alternative.

“It’s truly the best invention on Earth!” says Dr. Goldstein.

Brad E.

Real Riders, Real Results
Many ElliptiGO riders have turned to seatless cycling after struggling with urological and pelvic health challenges. Here’s what they have to say:

Brad E. — Overcoming Pudendal Nerve Damage
“My wife and I always enjoyed running and biking together—until I suffered a pudendal nerve injury, partially caused by long hours on a traditional bike. We couldn’t exercise together until we discovered ElliptiGO in 2021. Now we own two MSUBs that we use on the trails, and we both love riding our 11Rs when we head out for road rides.”

Sally E. — Bladder Repair Recovery and Pelvic Prolapse Prevention
“I had a hysterectomy and bladder repair at age 50, and my doctor told me that the repair would probably last for ten years. I’m 68 now— it’s been 18 years with no problems. I attribute that success to riding my ElliptiGO. Elliptical cycling strengthens the core to help prevent pelvic prolapse.”

Kenneth P.

Kenneth P. — Prostate Cancer Survivor
“I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2021. Because of the slow-growing nature of this kind of cancer, my urologist recommended active surveillance. I started riding a recumbent bike to live the healthiest lifestyle I could, but I found I had difficulty getting my heart rate up. In 2023, I saw an ElliptiGO bike, set up a test ride, and promptly ordered my Stand Up 2 Cancer 11R. I had no trouble getting my heart rate up on it!

“Early the next year, I found out my cancer was progressing, and I scheduled a radical prostatectomy. I made it my mission to be in the best possible physical shape for the surgery and recovery, and I rode 1,246 miles [on my ElliptiGO bike] in the months leading up to my surgery. Post-surgery, I was not allowed to lift anything heavier than five pounds, and I couldn’t do any physical activity for six weeks. But at my five-week follow-up appointment, I had recovered so well that the doctor told me to forget about him and go live my life! I totally believe that my ElliptiGO bike riding, core exercises, and weight training contributed to my fast recovery. The last time I had my PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) checked, it was undetectable.”

Benton R. — Finding Comfort After Hydrocele Surgery
“I had a hydrocele ‘the size of a small pineapple’, to quote my initial urologist. Try sitting on a bike seat with THAT! Even though I ride a stand-up bike, it was still ‘in the way’, as you can imagine.

“Even after a hydrocelectomy and a SCAB (spermatic cord anesthetic block) procedure, I still have testicular pain as well as lower back pain. The cause of the pain is unclear; I’m in queue to see my original urologist again as well as a pain management specialist. Thankfully — and I have NO explanation for this — I am pain-free on my ElliptiGO rides.”

Frank B. — Two-Time Cancer Survivor
“I purchased my first ElliptiGO a year after I had prostate cancer, and shortly thereafter I was diagnosed with primary lung cancer. I am a two-time survivor and just last week completed my annual tests and all appears to be good.

"Mayor" Frank Blaisdell - March Rider of the Month

Frank B.

“I am an avid ElliptiGO rider and typically log 100-150 miles per week. I am convinced that my regular riding over the years has extended my wellness and lifestyle —  physically and socially. I have made many ‘GO friends’ all over the world, and GOing has taken me places and on rides I never would have done had I not become a GO rider.

“As for urologic/pelvic issues, I currently have none, and I really do believe my overall good health is directly attributable to regular GOing.”

Todd L. — From Never Again to Riding Again
“After suffering a saddle injury 20 years ago, I was told I’d never be able to ride a bike again. My urologist made me promise to never put my tush on a bike seat again — but he never said anything about a bike without one!”

Peter D.— Cycling Weeks After Prostate Surgery
“Less than four weeks after prostate surgery, I’m back on the ElliptiGO. It will be months before I can sit on a bike seat, but the GO is a perfect way to keep moving.”

Judy D.— Recovering From External Iliac Artery Endofibrosis
“I was an avid cyclist for years, but then my legs started to feel tired all the time. At first I thought it was a knee issue. Eventually, I started experiencing the numb feet, pain in the buttocks and tourniquet-around-my-leg feeling that other athletes described who had external iliac artery endofibrosis. The artery in my right leg was completely closed.

“I knew that after surgery I would need to recover without being in the bent-over position a bike puts you in. I came across an article about a young pro mountain bike cyclist who was recovering from surgery using an ElliptiGO bike. I did a test ride, then bought an 11R right away. I was able to stay fit and keep moving during the five months before surgery. I continued to ride during my recovery, and I still ride ElliptiGO bikes as part of my training to prevent injury.”

Ride Without Limits … Or Pain
For those experiencing urological or pelvic discomfort, ElliptiGO bikes provide a life-changing alternative to traditional cycling. By eliminating pressure on the perineum and supporting a natural, upright posture, ElliptiGO bikes allow riders to stay active without pain, risk or compromise. Additionally, ElliptiGO bikes are often approved by medical professionals for post-surgical recovery, because with no seat, they avoid aggravating sensitive areas. If you have an injury or an upcoming surgery, talk to your healthcare provider to see if riding an ElliptiGO bike can assist in your recovery.

Ready to experience the difference? Test ride an ElliptiGO bike today and discover how seatless cycling can help you ride stronger, longer, and pain-free.




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