Dumonde Tech Bicycle Chain Lube Lite (2oz. bottle) will keep your drivetrain components cleaner, allow them to last longer and run quieter than what you'd... Read More
get from any other lubricant. As you ride, it forms a low-friction plastic plating which bonds to the chain. It's environmentally sensitive as well.
To get the best results from Dumonde Tech lubes, first degrease your chain and dry it thoroughly prior to the first application. This effectively primes the surface for the "plating" effect that makes the lube so successful. For the first application, we recommend putting one drop on each link to really aid the plating effect, wiping the excess from the chain after it has had time to work itself into the pins. When your chain begins to get noisy, it's time to reapply. Use soap and water to clean the chain prior to re-application -- strong solvents and degreasers will remove the protective plastic plating from the chain, putting you back at square one.
Chain Lubricant – All Models

Chain Lubricant – All Models