
Sober and Off the Streets, Waldon Adams Moves Forward

Waldon Adams has gone through a lot: he’s battled a bevy of health issues, overcome alcoholism and depression, and was homeless. Now, after getting an ElliptiGO 8C and regaining the active lifestyle he loves, he’s taken his life back in his hands and is pursuing his wildest dreams. The 57-year-old Washington D.C. resident shares his inspirational story:

Waldon Adams Bike

I am nine years sober, thanks to running and GOing. My first goal, after getting sober, was to come out of homelessness, and run a marathon.

Now, after 9 years, 20 marathons, one 12-hour Ultra, one 50-mile ultra, a back surgery and 3 foot surgeries, I want to take on my 1st 100-miler. I made an attempt a year ago, but the pain in my back was too great, and I had to drop to a 50. This time, with the help of alternating my runs with the ElliptiGO bike, I plan to try again at the 2019 Nanny Goat Ultra in Riverside, California.

I’m grateful for organizations like Miriam’s Kitchen, with their “More than a Meal” philosophy, for motivating, and helping me not only get a place to live, but the self-esteem needed to go for my dreams again, after living mostly homeless for close to 30 years, in and out of hospitals and institutes. I now work as an outreach specialist helping others connect to services to get out of homelessness, and live their dreams.

My journey is just getting started, and I’m confident that the ElliptiGO bike will continue to get me through this.

Waldon Adams

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